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Looking for a competitive and customer-focused telecommunications company? At LeVack & Marín, we recommend NEUS

Looking for a competitive and customer-focused telecommunications company? At LeVack & Marín, we recommend NEUS

Are you looking for a competitive and customer-focused telecommunications company? At LeVack & Marín, we know exactly who to recommend: NEUS. They offer tailored solutions for all your online needs, in addition to providing telephone and internet services. Their offerings include: •Personal or portfolio websites. •Online blogs or magazines. •E-commerce stores. •Content Management Systems (CMS). […]

¡Atención Contribuyentes! Plazo para Presentar el Modelo 347

¡Atención Contribuyentes! Plazo para Presentar el Modelo 347

Form 347, an annual information return, is mandatory for all companies and self-employed individuals who have carried out transactions with third parties for an amount equal to or greater than €3,005.06 during the previous calendar year 1. Here are the key details: Filing Deadline: from February 1 to February 28 of each year (if the […]